Prepare for the start of the end!

Prepare for the start of the end!

I have decided that with my 30th birthday less than 6months away I need to start upping my fitness and get the body I have always wanted.
I have been weight training off and in at a basic level for a couple of years, more off than on I hate to add. I have a good group of mates with the same current mind set. We are all in different places in our lives and each have our own goals. Since my 29th birthday I have been taking weekly measurements, to give myself the most information I can on good and bad times. My wife is also changing her lifestyle to a more fitness and healthy based life.
We have two children aged 2 and 5, we are trying to bring them up to know the a healthy diet and exercise is important.

So tomorrow (30/4/2015) I will be starting the Kris Gethin 12 weeks transformation program. I have looked at it before but never done it.
I have joined a new gym that is very well equipped, so have no excuses on that front. It’s a 24/7 gym which helps. To make sure I don’t miss a day and that it’s not too busy I am planning on going at 4:30am everyday. I have started getting up at 4am for the last 3 days to get use to this.
The main thing I need to work on is my diet. I’m a lover of sugary foods ands not a big fan of vegetables.

Over the next 12 weeks I will be sharing the highs the lows, recipes and progress information.
Thank you for taking the time to ride my blog and hope you return soon.